When visiting Japan, there are several phrases you should know, this article provides useful Japanese phrases when living in Japan.
I’m sure learning Japanese will give you a deeper understanding of Japanese culture!
Let’s get started!!
Greetings, replies, etc… basic phrases commonly used in conversation

Ohayou gozaimasu(Good morning)
You can say “ohayou” but “Ohayou gozaimasu is more polite than “ohayou”.
“Konnichiwa” is used for store clerks, first-time visitors, and clients.”konnichiwa” is a bit formal toward friends,For friends and close ones,You can ask, “Choushi dou?”means “How are you”
Konvbanwa(Good evening)
“Konbanwa” is used for store clerks, first-time visitors, and clients.”konnichiwa” is also a bit formal toward friends, Commonly used when meeting for the first time or in business situations.
Itadakimasu( Let’s eat/Let’s dig in)
“Itadakimasu” is an expression used before eating a meal to express gratitude for food.
Gochisousamadeshita(I’m done.)
“Gochisousamadeshita”is an expression used after the meal is over.
Arigatou(Thank you)
”Arigatou” is an expression used to express gratitude.You can say “Arigatou” is more casual.
Sumimasen(Sorry/ Excuse me)
”Sumimasen” is used when you want to apologize.
Useful sentences
I’ll go to〇〇.
[〇〇ni ikimasu]
This phrase is used when you are going somewhere.Japanese sentences can be made without a subject.
1.I’ll go to the gym.
[gym ni ikimasu]
2.I’ll go to the restaurant.
[resutoran ni ikimasu]
What does 〇〇 mean?
[〇〇towa douyuimidesuka?]
This phrase is used when you encounter a phrase or word you don’t understand
1.What does “Ohanami” mean?
[“Ohanami”towa douyuimidesuka?]